Cristina Zenato

Cristina Zenato Instagram – “One day you will end up all alone and miserable regretting your life choices” – comment received several time over the years over my choice of being single and not having kids.
I never planned for anything, nor I looked to fulfill a role that it was not designed for me.
I went about my life, finding joy in the passion I had for the ocean, sharks, diving, teaching. I never lacked friends and company, and although alone I never felt lonely.
Along the way, I entered and exited relationships that didn’t work for me (us) that didn’t fulfill, that requested a change I wasn’t ready for.
I never looked for @kewinlorenzen but we happened and it was a perfect match from the beginning.
I always joke I had to wait for him to grow older (we have a considerable age difference, but I know no one noticed 😉)
Late in life I found the right person, the right companion and life took a different turn.
The “what if” went quickly out of the window, after all I learned that life is the day we live, the rest is just a surprise.
Many worried on the “what if he leaves you for a younger one.” My thought was, if I only had one year to live, would I want to live it with him or would I want to not be with him because it was only one?” The answer was very clear from the beginning. I will take what it brings, the rest we can only move on, evolve and learn from.
Both times of my life were wonderful, perfect and allowed me to explore and be a part of myself.
Today we celebrate six years together, happy anniversary my love.

Image from our trip to Cocos Island.
@fourthelementdive freediving suits | Posted on 31/Jan/2024 17:34:14

Cristina Zenato
Cristina Zenato

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