Home Actress JoJo HD Photos and Wallpapers March 2024 JoJo Instagram - Zelda, Nearly two decades of friendship in, the fruit of your hard work, diligence, learning, growing and building ALL come to fruition with Lisa Frankenstein - Zelda’s major motion feature DIRECTORIAL DEBUT. The way you run a set is a DREAM. I’ve seen it first hand when you’ve directed videos for Save My Soul, Lonely Hearts, and Think About You! Your capacity is breath-taking . Please believe, it’s no small feat to keep everyone on a whole MOVIE SET calm and SEEN and respected and simultaneously make amazing artful things happen. I’m in awe of you, Z. You are the best kind of leader. Your heart is even bigger than your brain and that shit is XL. There’s no one more deserving of this moment. It’s a privilege to go through life alongside someone so open hearted and generous and truly beautiful. You’ve taught me so much about friendship and family and life in general. As of TOMORROW Lisa Frankenstein will be with the people!!! And it’s the beginning of so much more. Thank you for having me be a part of this moment with you. Everybody GO SEE LISA FRANKENSTEIN!!! Love you madly. @zeldawilliams

JoJo Instagram – Zelda, Nearly two decades of friendship in, the fruit of your hard work, diligence, learning, growing and building ALL come to fruition with Lisa Frankenstein – Zelda’s major motion feature DIRECTORIAL DEBUT. The way you run a set is a DREAM. I’ve seen it first hand when you’ve directed videos for Save My Soul, Lonely Hearts, and Think About You! Your capacity is breath-taking . Please believe, it’s no small feat to keep everyone on a whole MOVIE SET calm and SEEN and respected and simultaneously make amazing artful things happen. I’m in awe of you, Z. You are the best kind of leader. Your heart is even bigger than your brain and that shit is XL. There’s no one more deserving of this moment. It’s a privilege to go through life alongside someone so open hearted and generous and truly beautiful. You’ve taught me so much about friendship and family and life in general. As of TOMORROW Lisa Frankenstein will be with the people!!! And it’s the beginning of so much more. Thank you for having me be a part of this moment with you. Everybody GO SEE LISA FRANKENSTEIN!!! Love you madly. @zeldawilliams

JoJo Instagram - Zelda, Nearly two decades of friendship in, the fruit of your hard work, diligence, learning, growing and building ALL come to fruition with Lisa Frankenstein - Zelda’s major motion feature DIRECTORIAL DEBUT. The way you run a set is a DREAM. I’ve seen it first hand when you’ve directed videos for Save My Soul, Lonely Hearts, and Think About You! Your capacity is breath-taking . Please believe, it’s no small feat to keep everyone on a whole MOVIE SET calm and SEEN and respected and simultaneously make amazing artful things happen. I’m in awe of you, Z. You are the best kind of leader. Your heart is even bigger than your brain and that shit is XL. There’s no one more deserving of this moment. It’s a privilege to go through life alongside someone so open hearted and generous and truly beautiful. You’ve taught me so much about friendship and family and life in general. As of TOMORROW Lisa Frankenstein will be with the people!!! And it’s the beginning of so much more. Thank you for having me be a part of this moment with you. Everybody GO SEE LISA FRANKENSTEIN!!! Love you madly. @zeldawilliams

JoJo Instagram – Zelda,
Nearly two decades of friendship in, the fruit of your hard work, diligence, learning, growing and building ALL come to fruition with Lisa Frankenstein – Zelda’s major motion feature DIRECTORIAL DEBUT. The way you run a set is a DREAM. I’ve seen it first hand when you’ve directed videos for Save My Soul, Lonely Hearts, and Think About You! Your capacity is breath-taking . Please believe, it’s no small feat to keep everyone on a whole MOVIE SET calm and SEEN and respected and simultaneously make amazing artful things happen. I’m in awe of you, Z. You are the best kind of leader. Your heart is even bigger than your brain and that shit is XL. There’s no one more deserving of this moment. It’s a privilege to go through life alongside someone so open hearted and generous and truly beautiful. You’ve taught me so much about friendship and family and life in general. As of TOMORROW Lisa Frankenstein will be with the people!!! And it’s the beginning of so much more. Thank you for having me be a part of this moment with you. Everybody GO SEE LISA FRANKENSTEIN!!! Love you madly.
@zeldawilliams | Posted on 07/Feb/2024 22:33:52

JoJo Instagram – Where do I even begin about the past week?! Hiked 60 miles (more than I ever have in my life) with total strangers. The blisters on my feet prove it 😂. Yoga twice a day. Ate green clean and lean. Gained a new appreciation for my own backyard (Southern California) and lost a few pounds along the way. 
I had the tremendous privilege of being able to take 6 days away from my phone, emails, regular responsibilities, stimulation, and late night binge eating patterns I had gotten back into over the past few months. 
Through a practice of hiking 8-12 miles per days and consciously moving and nourishing my body I feel a massive burst of clarity and gratitude. My body, mind, and spirit feel renewed and rejuvenated. Now, nobody has time to do that shit everyday. It’s just not possible in the world we live in! 

This post is just to encourage you to stretch and move the one bod you got. Get out into nature if/ when you can. I know it’s cold in much of the world!! But when you CAN. It’s often the last thing we want to do. But it makes a damn difference. One of the women I met turned 79 on on the trail. She is more vital and alive and fit than I’ve ever been. Im so inspired. She is goals. And please don’t forget to BREATHE: slowly, deeply, fully. Practice opening your heart. Even though circumstances and history have taught many of us to close off and protect ourselves. It feels so much better not to be on the defense but instead be curious. To go through the pain and unpredictability and be proud of how we handled it. And to eat real food. 
Of course, literally: do whatever the hell you want 🤍 But I just wanted to encourage you in what I’ve come to find makes me feel most vital and alive over the years. If this sounds woo woo to you then welcome to the freak show baby 😂 
After my father passed years ago from addiction/ morbid obesity/ overall poor health it’s become a passion to experience well-being and share what I learn along the way. Wherever you are in your journey I’m right by your side, cheering you on. Mad love,
cc: @theashram
JoJo Instagram – a woman in music. able to celebrate other women in music who are doing phenomenal things, going against the systems that have been in place for years, making a way for themselves and others. it was an honor to present the incomparable @victoriamonet with the rising star award, knowing just a sliver of the hard work, grace, kindness, and dedication that she’s put into her life and career. we both opened for @fifthharmony years ago and to witness her ascent has been nothing short of inspiring and heartening.
being a woman is the greatest and really IS a superpower that i wouldn’t trade for the world. and like charli said in her speech, it’s also phenomenally nuanced and evolving. cheers to all the dreamers out there who are daring to defy expectations and actively creating something they’ve yet to see before. 🤍🤍🤍

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