Julia Gillard

Julia Gillard Instagram – One of the things we often hear from people who contact Beyond Blue for support is they wish they’d reached out sooner. Problems that may seem small at the start, can sometimes snowball and reach crisis point.

On this World Suicide Prevention Day, we’re urging anyone who is feeling not quite themselves to seek support at the earliest possible stage. The sooner you access support, the easier it can be to manage your mental health.  

New research, commissioned by Beyond Blue and conducted by the Social Research Centre, found that almost one in three Australians living with a mental health condition that impacts their quality of life say they’re unlikely to seek help from anyone. One in four think their problem is not serious enough to reach out.

Our message is: don’t wait and don’t hesitate. There is help and there is hope. Beyond Blue is here for you no matter how big or small your experiences might seem.

The Beyond Blue Support Service is available 24/7 on 1300 22 4636 or at beyondblue.org.au/get-support | Posted on 10/Sep/2023 06:01:29

Julia Gillard
Julia Gillard

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