Kate Silverton

Kate Silverton Instagram – Why do our children HATE putting on certain clothes or wearing ‘too tight’ shoes !!!

Understanding the nervous system allows us to put our children’s more erratic – seemingly irrational behaviour into clearer context

If our nervous system is fired up and what I think of as ‘fizzy’, it can make us more sensitive to what we can see / hear / smell / touch / taste … and can manifest in any number of ways … having a meltdown over a ‘too tight’ school shirt, or an ‘itchy scratchy’ jumper …

Seeing beyond the behaviour – and wondering to ourselves what else might be going on ( is my child feeling anxious about going to school … did something happen yesterday that is now seeing his/ her nervous system fired up and hyper sensitive ? .. allows us to stop, take a breath and then SOOTHE … ‘oh sweetheart so you don’t like this jumper ? It’s scratchy ? Ok come let me help … ‘ allows the fizzy lizard as I think of it, in our child’s brain ( in reality their brain stem / nervous system ) to calm down a little … which allows their ‘little owl’ the pre frontal cortex – the regulating part of the brain a to step in and do a bit of self soothing too … once our children are calm they are more able to tell us what’s driving the behaviour ‘I’m nervous because the teacher told me off yesterday’ or ‘when I tried to take the shirt off in PE it got caught over my face and I couldn’t breathe ‘ ( both real life examples from my own home )

Being sensitive to noise / sound / touch is not ‘abnormal’ but rather the sign of a nervous system that’s on high alert … helping our children to rebalance and return to calm is the quickest way to helping them to solve the problem and feel soothed in the process … and – as an aside, just as WE wouldn’t like to be forced to wear something that itches us – neither should our children !

Let me know in the comments your thoughts and the things your child finds difficult – and how you might now see the situation differently

AND – let me know yes / no ( and why ) if this post helps !

#sensory #school #parenting #parentingtips #mentalhealthawareness | Posted on 19/Feb/2024 19:50:00

Kate Silverton
Kate Silverton

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