Kate Silverton

Kate Silverton Instagram – When our children feel connected to us they feel safer and more secure … why? Because nature designed us that way ! Just as a lioness offers her cubs a ‘secure base’ from which to go off and explore, so we do the same for our young children too. After a long day away from each other little games like this can help to reconnect and provide a boost of all the feel good hormones and chemicals like oxytocin that reduce anxiety and help our children to feel that all is ‘well with the world’

The squiggle game was devised by the psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott and I use it in my therapy room to connect with children – some of whom might be reticent to talk .. I use it with my own children too – even my daughter who is now 12. It’s a lovely way to go back and forth, laughing at the ‘images’ we create and finding a natural easy rhythm as we laugh and then naturally chat about our day. It helps calm our nervous system and offers a magical ten minute top up that can go a long way to reducing anxiety and boost the connection between you and your child

For more parenting tips you can check out my new book ‘there’s still no such thing as naughty’ on preorder now in my bio

Do tag any parent you think might like to try it too!

#anxiety #childrensmentalhealth #parenting #parentingtips #calm #squigglegame | Posted on 09/Feb/2024 23:29:22

Kate Silverton
Kate Silverton

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