Kate Silverton

Kate Silverton Instagram – Never underestimate the healing power of relationships – and never underestimate your healing power as a parent.

Just as I say ‘there’s no such thing as naughty’ so there is also no such thing as perfect either.

We are ALL doing our best.

In understanding the science – and why our children behave the way they do, ( and why we behave the way we do too !) we can help ourselves, and our children because it allows us to see beyond behaviour and into the root cause of the actions we see. It allows us to go into soothe, using compassion to bring our children back to calm. When we parent in what I call the ‘wise owl way’ we can be confident we are parenting with our children’s future mental health in mind – and it’s NEVER too late to start.

Knowledge is power – and, as Maya Angelou so eloquently said ‘when we know better, we do better’ and that’s all we can ask of ourselves

So never worry if you look back and reflect that you ‘did things differently’ when your children were younger – once we know we know … and we can always start now.. trusting that where there is ‘rupture, there is always, always repair’

So much more on this in my book ‘there’s STILL no such thing as naughty’ out 28th March
Link in bio 🙏🏼 | Posted on 05/Mar/2024 19:35:26

Kate Silverton

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