Home Actress Noa Tishby HD Photos and Wallpapers March 2024 Noa Tishby Instagram - Right now, the University of Virginia (@uva) is holding a campus-wide #BDS referendum, forcing all of its students to decide where they stand on Israel. BDS is the movement to boycott, divest, and sanction Israel, a movement which doesn’t hide its desire to dismantle Israel. While 134 hostages continue to be held by Hamas in Gaza and antisemitism levels are at a record high in the United States and all over the world. The University of Virginia decides to fan the flames of hate and further marginalized Jewish students. BDS is nothing more than a propaganda campaign that seeks to delegitimize and destroy the world’s single Jewish state, and it has been targeting college students on campuses for decades. In the past couple of weeks, we’ve seen BDS resolutions also pass at UCLA and UC Davis. But what does passing a BDS resolution on campus even mean? I mean, do these students’ votes have any impact on Israel? The answer is no. These universities don’t end up divesting from Israel or having anything to do with Israel at all. But what they do accomplish is the brainwashing of the next generation of leaders and voters to believe that voting to essentially take down a democracy is even a legitimate vote, and to continue to cement the lies about Israel such as apartheid, genocide, and colonialism. That is exactly how we arrived at this situation today, where moments after the largest killing of Jews since the Holocaust occurred, it was justified and celebrated on college campuses everywhere. We all saw it. BDS tries to paint itself as this progressive movement, but make no mistake, BDS is not interested in peace. Its founder specifically said that they oppose the Jewish state in any part of the land. Not only is BDS not for peace, it’s literally against peace. It’s a hate group. BDS is antisemitic at its core and it has led to the rise in antisemitism that we see on college campuses everywhere, which is why we have to ban BDS on campus. Join me in calling on UVA and every other college in America to ban the hate group BDS and put an end to this worldwide antisemitic campaign.

Noa Tishby Instagram – Right now, the University of Virginia (@uva) is holding a campus-wide #BDS referendum, forcing all of its students to decide where they stand on Israel. BDS is the movement to boycott, divest, and sanction Israel, a movement which doesn’t hide its desire to dismantle Israel. While 134 hostages continue to be held by Hamas in Gaza and antisemitism levels are at a record high in the United States and all over the world. The University of Virginia decides to fan the flames of hate and further marginalized Jewish students. BDS is nothing more than a propaganda campaign that seeks to delegitimize and destroy the world’s single Jewish state, and it has been targeting college students on campuses for decades. In the past couple of weeks, we’ve seen BDS resolutions also pass at UCLA and UC Davis. But what does passing a BDS resolution on campus even mean? I mean, do these students’ votes have any impact on Israel? The answer is no. These universities don’t end up divesting from Israel or having anything to do with Israel at all. But what they do accomplish is the brainwashing of the next generation of leaders and voters to believe that voting to essentially take down a democracy is even a legitimate vote, and to continue to cement the lies about Israel such as apartheid, genocide, and colonialism. That is exactly how we arrived at this situation today, where moments after the largest killing of Jews since the Holocaust occurred, it was justified and celebrated on college campuses everywhere. We all saw it. BDS tries to paint itself as this progressive movement, but make no mistake, BDS is not interested in peace. Its founder specifically said that they oppose the Jewish state in any part of the land. Not only is BDS not for peace, it’s literally against peace. It’s a hate group. BDS is antisemitic at its core and it has led to the rise in antisemitism that we see on college campuses everywhere, which is why we have to ban BDS on campus. Join me in calling on UVA and every other college in America to ban the hate group BDS and put an end to this worldwide antisemitic campaign.

Noa Tishby Instagram - Right now, the University of Virginia (@uva) is holding a campus-wide #BDS referendum, forcing all of its students to decide where they stand on Israel. BDS is the movement to boycott, divest, and sanction Israel, a movement which doesn’t hide its desire to dismantle Israel. While 134 hostages continue to be held by Hamas in Gaza and antisemitism levels are at a record high in the United States and all over the world. The University of Virginia decides to fan the flames of hate and further marginalized Jewish students. BDS is nothing more than a propaganda campaign that seeks to delegitimize and destroy the world’s single Jewish state, and it has been targeting college students on campuses for decades. In the past couple of weeks, we’ve seen BDS resolutions also pass at UCLA and UC Davis. But what does passing a BDS resolution on campus even mean? I mean, do these students’ votes have any impact on Israel? The answer is no. These universities don’t end up divesting from Israel or having anything to do with Israel at all. But what they do accomplish is the brainwashing of the next generation of leaders and voters to believe that voting to essentially take down a democracy is even a legitimate vote, and to continue to cement the lies about Israel such as apartheid, genocide, and colonialism. That is exactly how we arrived at this situation today, where moments after the largest killing of Jews since the Holocaust occurred, it was justified and celebrated on college campuses everywhere. We all saw it. BDS tries to paint itself as this progressive movement, but make no mistake, BDS is not interested in peace. Its founder specifically said that they oppose the Jewish state in any part of the land. Not only is BDS not for peace, it’s literally against peace. It’s a hate group. BDS is antisemitic at its core and it has led to the rise in antisemitism that we see on college campuses everywhere, which is why we have to ban BDS on campus. Join me in calling on UVA and every other college in America to ban the hate group BDS and put an end to this worldwide antisemitic campaign.

Noa Tishby Instagram – Right now, the University of Virginia (@uva) is holding a campus-wide #BDS referendum, forcing all of its students to decide where they stand on Israel. BDS is the movement to boycott, divest, and sanction Israel, a movement which doesn’t hide its desire to dismantle Israel. While 134 hostages continue to be held by Hamas in Gaza and antisemitism levels are at a record high in the United States and all over the world. The University of Virginia decides to fan the flames of hate and further marginalized Jewish students. BDS is nothing more than a propaganda campaign that seeks to delegitimize and destroy the world’s single Jewish state, and it has been targeting college students on campuses for decades. In the past couple of weeks, we’ve seen BDS resolutions also pass at UCLA and UC Davis. But what does passing a BDS resolution on campus even mean? I mean, do these students’ votes have any impact on Israel? The answer is no. These universities don’t end up divesting from Israel or having anything to do with Israel at all. But what they do accomplish is the brainwashing of the next generation of leaders and voters to believe that voting to essentially take down a democracy is even a legitimate vote, and to continue to cement the lies about Israel such as apartheid, genocide, and colonialism. That is exactly how we arrived at this situation today, where moments after the largest killing of Jews since the Holocaust occurred, it was justified and celebrated on college campuses everywhere. We all saw it. BDS tries to paint itself as this progressive movement, but make no mistake, BDS is not interested in peace. Its founder specifically said that they oppose the Jewish state in any part of the land. Not only is BDS not for peace, it’s literally against peace. It’s a hate group. BDS is antisemitic at its core and it has led to the rise in antisemitism that we see on college campuses everywhere, which is why we have to ban BDS on campus. Join me in calling on UVA and every other college in America to ban the hate group BDS and put an end to this worldwide antisemitic campaign. | Posted on 28/Feb/2024 01:32:06

Noa Tishby Instagram – ⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ 

Last week, I spoke at the US Capitol about the gender based violence committed by Hamas on October 7th. 
Everywhere Hamas carried out massacres, they also carried out violence against women and girls so gruesome, so sadistic that the words “rape” or “sexual violence” do not capture the true scale of the horror.

These rapes were not spontaneous. They were planned and priority. They were the very core of Hamas’s October 7th attack. 

For Jihadi groups like Hamas, women are not equal to men. They are property to be owned by men. Without power, without control and, if she does something deemed disrespectful to a man or to the family, like walking down the street with any other man – without the right to life. 

Hamas had a twisted logic for these systematic gang rapes: they wanted to claim ownership of Israeli women and girls. In a conflict involving a “motherland” Hamas was trying to make a point: if we own your mothers, your sisters and your daughters, then one day we will own you, and we will own your land. 

So these jihadi psychopaths invaded Israel with specific orders to rape, defile and disfigure as many women and girls as possible. In their interrogations, captured Hamas terrorists calmly shared their orders. To soil the women.

Hamas is the political manifestation of rape culture. 
And the silence of those who are usually quick to defend other women but had nothing to say about one of the most barbaric systematic attacks on women ever carried out, is deafening.
I beg you to give me any other explanation for this silence than – Me too unless you’re a Jew.

Rape is not resistance. There is only resisting rape. 

Hamas hates women and it hates Jews and in Hamas’s sick worldview when you rape a woman, you own her. So they wanted to soil us, they wanted to terrorize us, they wanted to own us.
But Israeli women, Jewish women: we will not be owned and we will not be obliterated. We are warriors, tank commanders and survivors. We will not be silenced. Not by a jihadi death cult and not by its supporters. 
The people of Israel live. The women of Israel live.
Am Israel Chaya  חיה 

Video produced by @YoavDavis for #DavisMedia
Noa Tishby Instagram – Arbel Yehoud (28), her brother Dolev (35), and her boyfriend, Ariel Cunio (26) were all kidnapped by Hamas terrorists on October 7th. They’ve been held hostage in Gaza for 137 days. Bring them home now.

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