Allison Dunbar

Allison Dunbar Instagram – If I’ve ever played a prank on you, it’s because of my dad. My dad fucked with me from the time I was a small child. He hid under my bed at night and grabbed my ankles when I was headed to sleep. Or he would wait, and pretend to be a wild animal under there until I shot out of bed & flew across the room. My dad was outrageous. He took me and my bff Becky to the Madonna concert in the 80’s, & someone beeped at us in traffic one too many times. My dad jumped out and offered to rearrange their face. I called him this year on my way to Madonna & we laughed about that. Tim was the coolest. He drank goldschlager out of his barnoculars at the Eagles games that he attended with his identical twin Norm, who was his best friend and soulmate in this world. After serving as a prosecutor in the Attorney General’s office for decades, my dad retired and moved to Florida with his wife. He got bored and as a joke, he scored himself a job as a bagboy at the country club. He said it was for the free golf, but I know he just got a kick out of making five dollar tips for carrying someone’s bag to their car. Then he got bored again, moved back to PA and took a job on the other side, in the public defenders office. When I would come to visit him., he would introduce me as an assistant PD to his clients, and the two of us would proceed to interview the defendants about their alleged crimes. My dad did not take this world seriously, and I’m delighted to have inherited this gene. My dad followed the Rolling Stones well into his 60s. He loved a great joke, especially his own. My dad loved Ron, and delighted in the fact that they were seven years apart. He would introduce Ron as his son and then explode into gales of laughter. My dad lived hard & laughed his ass off. I can still hear that laugh. I miss you, Pop. I feel lonely in a way that I never understood. Thanks for making me who I am, Dad. I’m proud to be your daughter. I’ll be listening for that laugh. | Posted on 19/Apr/2024 19:44:39

Allison Dunbar
Allison Dunbar

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