Carla Valentine

Carla Valentine Instagram – For Easter weekend: Here are images of a crucified plastinate entitled “Jesus” created from human bone and blood vessels, by Gunther von Hagens, for a Channel 4 documentary in 2012 “Crucifixion”. B&W photos are Marco Sanges. Although many consider his work controversial and obviously some thought this was quite heretical, he insists that this work is not meant to be blasphemous but a true expression of his Christian values. I remember watching the documentary at the time and during filming I think he’d discovered he was terminally ill with Parkinson’s Disease and you could see his whole attitude of showmanship become very humble and reverent. It’s ironic he has discovered a way to preserve human flesh for posterity – they’ll “live forever”, as it were – but he is already dying. He says after his death he WILL be made into a plastinate and put on display as part of Bodyworlds.
#humanremains #plastinate
#remains2beseen #crucify #crucifix #crucifixion #plastination #easter #gunthervonhagens #vonhagens #bodyworlds #lent #crucified
#easter #easterweekend #jesus | Posted on 01/Apr/2024 01:13:39

Carla Valentine
Carla Valentine

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