Cassidy Freeman

Cassidy Freeman Instagram – Dear Shasta. Dang do I miss you. It’s been 4 years since you decided to exit earthside in pure dramatic story telling fashion at the beginning of Covid (a virus we thought might shut down the world for a few weeks). You passed away in my arms, in our van that we called your New York apt (for its size compared to your size), while @edipattersonhi and I drove ourselves home from South Carolina to shelter in place. I lost you when we were all collectively losing reality, as many others were also losing loved ones. I will remember, etched in my brain the pain of those minutes and hours and days. But more, I will remember what a loving and kind soul you were. I will remember the mountains of joy you brought to me and still do with your spirit. I will think of how my daughter laughs, in a very knowing way, every time she sees a photo of you. She even sometimes calls you her puppy. You expanded my heart. You taught me how to care for another being so deeply that this motherhood thing feels slightly familiar. We’re hugging you from this side of the rainbow bridge. Thank you for being the best fucking dog. Paws on my shoulders, head on my head. 🖤 | Posted on 23/Mar/2024 01:44:25

Cassidy Freeman
Cassidy Freeman

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