Cristina Zenato

Cristina Zenato Instagram – Do female sharks become mamas?
While sharks go through different lengths of pregnancies and give birth in various ways (material for another post), according to each species, no sharks give parental care.
That means once the pups are born or the eggs are left for the pup to develop, the mother leaves the babies to fend off for themselves.
Following instincts, the young ones slowly figure out their diets and locations while using the extra reserve fatty tissues of the liver to survive.
The small fish swimming with the sharks can differ depending on location and, again, species of sharks, from remoras, like the one in the image, to pilot fish.
Image by me of Nacho with a remora slightly detached from her body.
@peopleofthewater @wdhof | Posted on 25/Apr/2024 02:19:18

Cristina Zenato
Cristina Zenato

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