Julia Gillard

Julia Gillard Instagram – Ten years ago, on this day, I gave my final speech as Prime Minister.

At the time I said, “The reaction to being the first female prime minister does not explain everything about my prime ministership, nor does it explain nothing about my prime ministership…and it is for the nation to think, in a sophisticated way, about those shades of grey.”

“What I am absolutely confident of is it will be easier for the next woman and the woman after that and the woman after that and I’m proud of that”.

I still feel that optimism and I am heartened by the fact that the Labor Government which leads our nation is more than fifty per cent women.

Change is possible and is happening, but progress is not linear.

The intense contemporary discourse around women in Parliament House is backward looking, personalised and vindictive. It is time to adopt a new tone and approach. Every women who works in Parliament House in any capacity should feel safe and respected. We know from the past we have not met that standard. Working together to change that, in Parliament House and every workplace around the country, is what should be the focus now.

Ten years on, I still believe in the positive power of politics. It gives an unparalleled opportunity to put your values into action for impactful, lasting change at a national and global level. I was Prime Minister for three years and three days and in that time, we passed 561 pieces of legislation. My government was able to establish the National Disability Insurance Scheme, undertake major education reforms, launch the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Childhood Sexual Abuse, introduce an emissions trading scheme and improve our standing in the world – just to name a few highlights.

I will always cherish the opportunity I had to be Prime Minister, and I remain hopeful I will see other women serve as prime minister in my lifetime. | Posted on 26/Jun/2023 08:32:31

Julia Gillard
Julia Gillard

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