Kate Silverton

Kate Silverton Instagram – THIS is just one, very poignant, example of why I say ‘there’s no such thing as naughty’

Understand a child’s stress response – how they’re coping with the ‘stress’ their nervous system is under – and we will start to understand a child’s behaviour. It is then that we can best support the child

@_place2be #repost This #StressAwarenessMonth, we’re sharing Joe’s* story of coping stress. 💛
Seven-year-old Joe was struggling in school after his parents separated and he didn’t see his dad anymore.
He was easily distracted and struggled to sit through lessons. When he felt stressed he would often run out of class, hide under a table, shout at people and throw things.

Joe was referred to one-to-one #counselling. His counsellor set a clear structure and routine for when they met, with an introduction at the beginning and “check out” at the end, which helped Joe feel settled.

As he gradually felt safer in this new environment, Joe began to talk more openly about his feelings.

He now engages with activities, responds in a better way to his teacher, and has made friends. He also finds it easier to adapt to change.

#parenting #parentingtips #anxiety #anxietyrelief

🔗 Read the stories of children, young people, counsellors and school staff on our website 👉 place2be.org.uk/stories (link in bio)

* Joe’s name and photo have been changed for safeguarding purposes. | Posted on 03/Apr/2024 22:24:45

Kate Silverton

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