Kate Silverton

Kate Silverton Instagram – What will your ‘second act’ entail?
If you are having second thoughts about your career or are ready for a change … training to become a children’s counsellor or psychotherapist is something I can whole-heartedly recommend …
I trained with @_place2be and @traumainformedschoolsuk and @instituteforarts all of whom I can commend highly

Check out their websites, see where you feel ‘called’ and many will hold ‘taster’ days for you to ‘try before you commit’

Leave me a message if you are thinking of making the change, what might be stopping you, and what other areas of life bring you joy. Life is too short not to be doing something you love .. follow your heart and you won’t go far wrong

POLL: Are you ready for a career change ? | Posted on 03/Apr/2024 15:44:05

Kate Silverton
Kate Silverton

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