Kate Silverton

Kate Silverton Instagram – Why do I say that teaching our children the ‘art’ of emotional regulation is key to their future mental health … ?

Google emotional dysregulation and you will find references to a ‘mental health symptom’ that involves trouble in controlling emotions – which can lead to ‘behavioral ER strategies that are harmful, can include (but are not limited to): drinking alcohol to cope with problems, binge eating, extreme social reassurance seeking, and non-suicidal self-injuries’

Being able to regulate our emotions is a vital skill for LIFE. It enables us to experience the highs as well as the lows without ‘tipping over’ in between. We can LEARN this skill and we can teach our children too

I wrote my book to explain the science behind emotional dysregulation – and all the practical tips, tools and scripts to help support our children if and when they’re ‘spinning out’ as much as it can help us when we are feeling more dysregulated too.

I explain the science using my super simple parenting concept ‘the lizard, baboon and wise owl way’

It instantly explains why your brain and nervous system respond they do when you’re under duress, or if you are frightened or ‘triggered’

Understanding the science allows us to work WITH our nervous system – and flex our ‘wise owl’ ( the prefrontal cortex in reality ) to quickly bring ourselves back to balance …

This is how we achieve good mental health ..

And it is here that we may support our children’s good future mental health too

#parenting #parentingtips #mentalhealth #neuroscience #neurobiology #katesilverton #theresstillnosuchthingasnaughty #emotionalregulation #nervoussystem | Posted on 21/Mar/2024 21:06:37

Kate Silverton
Kate Silverton

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