Samyuktha Viswanathan

Samyuktha Viswanathan Instagram – I’m a firm believer in authenticity. My IG cannot only be about my wins and highlights, it has to also show the other real life parts, at least those that I’m comfortable sharing.
Every now and then, the universe sends a reminder that I need to take a moment to rest. One time, it was ligament tears, another time it was a third-degree ankle sprain. This time—an injury to my face (which as you can imagine is extremely stressful in this career). Some pain (not too bad thankfully, I have a pretty decent pain threshold), some blood, multiple injections and antibiotics later, I’m much better and so is my face (haha). I sulked a good amount over missing some work/events but was reminded of the ‘burnt toast theory’. So here I am, in acceptance and gratitude that with the good things, some not so good things happen too. And that’s okay. We learn, we rest, we get back up. And I get back to work 🫡

On the bright side, whenever I’m low/sick, my very non-clingy cat suddenly gets affectionate and refuses to leave my side so I’m just gonna enjoy the attention I’m getting from him hehe 🐱

ALSO, it’s eclipse period so if you’re going THROUGH IT, and life’s been a little tough, you are not alone 🫂🧿

#authenticself #burnttoasttheory #eclipseseason #notjusthighlights | Posted on 28/Mar/2024 20:26:51

Samyuktha Viswanathan
Samyuktha Viswanathan

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