Sarah Carter

Sarah Carter Instagram – When we hollow the word friend by overuse and misuse, when we make of love a contract with prescribed roles and rigid, impossible expectations, we become prisoners of our own concepts. The history of feeling is the history of labels too small to contain the loves of which we are capable — varied and vigorously transfigured from one kind into another and back again. It takes both great courage and great vulnerability to live outside concepts, to meet each new experience, each new relationship, each new emotional landscape on its own terms and let it in turn expand the terms of living. – Maria Popova

I have been in touch with my great grandmother’s spirit lately. She arrived bringing enormous comfort and wisdom in a meditation a few weeks ago. I reconnected with my love for her, then grieved the loss for the first time ever. She died at 104 when I was in my early 20s. She valued her friends and community… When she was 99 I remember hearing she was captain of her bowling team… she served cookies and black tea… she sang loudly and freely… she communicated with animals and the spirit world… and so when her spirit came to me… it was as if she was offering me a kind of friendship… that is what I have found with the spirit world and never quite spoke of it as such, but it’s friendship with spirit… a back and forth… a give and receive… a knock at the door… an outburst of emotion… a shared experience… an expansion of heart… a new world to explore and nurture… a shift in perspective… a reflection of truth… a devotion… and a return to love.

I like this idea of not limiting our definition of friendship… or at least staying conscious of our limiting beliefs surrounding friendship. | Posted on 03/Mar/2024 21:17:14

Sarah Carter
Sarah Carter

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