Sarma Melngailis

Sarma Melngailis Instagram – Much more to say about this story (link in bio), from which a lot was left out. Facts and truth matter.

I moved back to NY to re-open, trusted someone who demanded my trust, it’s gone sideways. The story says that I now “don’t seem so sure about the project either” … not true. I’m wildly, fiercely sure. I also know how many ppl want it back too, and what it means—how important it is—on many levels. Chodorow said I could buy him out of the lease “but it’s going to be expensive” then gave me a proposal (not in this story) so crazy as to deter any other investor. Why not just be fair and reasonable? Why not get paid, and let me do this?

My post here on August 13th… the comments say so much. @purefoodandwine is supposed to come back. @oneluckyduck too. I *know* this.

My saying these two don’t give a shit about clean food may be wrong… who knows. It doesn’t matter. I am not going away. I might feel weakened and run down by all this, but I’ve proven my strength to keep going before.

Bringing @purefoodandwine back in the same space, with all its good vibes, is profoundly meaningful, and also would mean that the monster I call Mr Fox did not win. He didn’t succeed in destroying something beloved, or me.

I have loads more to say. And I have “receipts” … meaning I can back it all up.

Please. Let. Me. Do. This.

Pic in which @oneluckyrescuedog looks like a champion by @jeffbrownjeffbrown. Song by @cityofthesun @cityofthejohn because I love them. I included comment by @allensalkin because he knew I’d be frustrated by the story one way or another, a story I thought was going to be quick and out in September. All I can do is trust that timing is up to greater forces.

If I can get to it, will write a much more detailed response on my website or Patreon, complete with receipts. F*ck it. Facts matter.

To those who’ve helped me along the way… endless gratitude. Still, I could use some big guns (metaphorically).

Please read the full story, link in my bio.

I love you *all*.

[takes deep breath, looks at Leon, hits OK button]

LOVE > fear | Posted on 13/Jan/2024 20:30:18

Sarma Melngailis
Sarma Melngailis

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