Silvia Colloca

Silvia Colloca Instagram – If you have Abruzzeze blood you may be familiar with Pupe di Pasqua, Easter dolls made of a soft cookie dough. My nonna used to craft one to each of her grandchildren when we were growing up, my sister Ale, my cousin Elena and I would receive a peasant girl and the boys a horse shaped one. It was a moment of utter joy to tear the foil that enwrapped them, and we would always make sure we’d arm ourselves with a tall glass of cold milk to dunk our giant cookie in. The head was always the first to go, and we happily dunked, slurped and munched, blissfully unaware that we were receiving the gift of legacy, memory and tradition.
Nonna Irene didn’t have measurements, it was all done “a occhio” , her eyes the only instrument of precision. I don’t have precise rules either, but if you want to try this, mix 2 eggs with about 70-80 gr of caster sugar, zest of 1 lemon, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, about 100 ml of milk and enough flour to create a soft pliable dough, not too firm, not tacky. You can add a little baking powder too, about 1/2 tablespoons.Then shape as you please, brush with egg and bake until golden. The doll pictured here is about 25 cm tall! Consume with your coffee or with milk. It begs to be dunked.
Happy Easter! Buona Pasqua! 🐣 .
#easter #pasqua #traditions #nonna #neverforget #❤️ | Posted on 30/Mar/2024 11:50:04

Silvia Colloca
Silvia Colloca

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