Amanda Fuller

Amanda Fuller Instagram – TW: Depression. Mental health.

Recorded this yesterday but didn’t get around to posting bc I had to pull my sh*t together to try and make my 4 year olds first *real* NYE one he would remember. (And succeeded!) But thought I would post anyway, just in case there are some out there who are still battling the New Years Eve blues. You are not alone.

And to be clear. Yes, I had a very challenging year. In way too many ways. But it was also filled with the most heartfelt and joyful moments, thanks to my beloved family. And I wouldn’t trade this last year for anything because of that. Would I like all of the other parts of my life to start working better and bringing me the fulfillment I work so hard for and feel like I deserve (like so many)? Yes. But I don’t for a second take the good in my life for granted. And I count those blessings every freaking day. It’s actually the only way I get thru sometimes. But depression doesn’t care about those things and it will do everything to take you down. Not today, guys. Not today. After this video I got all gussied up and went out on the town with my hubby and lil man- we went ice skating, saw some theater and rang in the new year the best we could. And then woke up today under the weather (again) with a house full of dog shit that our giant pup tracked in. Life goes on. Here’s to a 2024 full with more LIFE, and making the best of it, whatever that may mean. Love to all. | Posted on 02/Jan/2024 01:09:45

Amanda Fuller

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