Bethany C. Meyers

Bethany C. Meyers Instagram – Our decision to move to Florida still blows my mind when I really stop to think about it. If you had told me a year ago this is where we’d be, I would have laughed in your face.

I talk about this in an older post but both Nico and I feel as though Kilmer lead us there. From her first visit we felt very pulled to make the move which both excited and surprised us.

When I’ve talked about this online I’ve been met with a mix of “that’s amazing!” and also “how could you?!” – which kind of makes me giggle at just how adamantly folks feel about where you chose to live. I’m assuming most of the haters are now happy for our move given Florida could use some extra progressive minds and votes…especially these days, but that’s not what this post is about.

This is about the other soul that was rooting for our move. Our second baby – who we conceived quite literally the very first day we arrived in our new state. The month before our move we were at our fertility clinic, meeting with our doctor for family planning. We did an IUI cycle which means they closely watch and predict ovulation, wash the sperm and manually inseminate directly into the uterus. It’s perfectly timed for optimal results. When I didn’t fall pregnant I had so many fears that we were in for another long fertility journey just like we had gone through for Kilmer Dove.

Our first day in Florida I had an inkling I might be ovulating. I didn’t pee on a stick or even open my tracking app. I don’t need to go into more detail here because you know what happened, but that baby said…I’m home! and snuggled its way into my lining.

When we found out we were pregnant it hit us that Kilmer didn’t want to move to Florida just for her, she wanted to go get her baby sibling. And our second baby was willing us here as well. And it just served as the most beautiful reminder to trust your gut. To lean into the unknown. To know that sometimes you have tear up what it looks like on paper and do the thing that feels right. The end always leads to the beginning. | Posted on 25/Apr/2024 00:08:54

Bethany C. Meyers
Bethany C. Meyers

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