Bethany C. Meyers

Bethany C. Meyers Instagram – To all my be.comers…

Since the be.come project launched almost 6 (!!) years ago, we’ve been through a lot of changes together. However, one thing that has never changed is the message we’ve consistently shared: to always listen to your body and yourself.

As I’ve been contemplating what the next right thing for be.come would be, I went back to that foundation: listen to your body. The idea that somehow, deep inside, my body already knew — all I had to do was tune in. *deep breath*

On April 8th, we’ll be closing down the be.come project platform. While this may initially feel disheartening (trust me, we felt it too), there is actually so much joy underneath this decision. the be.come project has always been about growth, allowing the evolution to unfold, and quite literally becoming whatever we are called to be. How fitting that our final act is exactly that.

the be.come project routines are special to all of us. They are old friends – the one who picks you up when you are down, the one you celebrate with, the one who hugs you when you need a good cry. I couldn’t end be.come without finding a way to make your favorite routines accessible. So for a limited time, the ENTIRE library of routines will be available for purchase. Buy one or buy them all, but they are yours to keep – a token of all we have been through together. (For more details, click “shop our farewell sale” at the link in our bio.)

Over the last 6 years, we have stayed true to our message, reinvented the platform, developed our routines, changed minds and hearts, brought body neutrality to the headlines, and built a community beyond our wildest dreams; all while staying completely self-funded. For that, I will be forever proud. Thank you for going on this incredible journey with me. I can’t wait to do the next thing with all of you.
Shoulder kisses forever and ever ✨

xx – @bethanycmeyers

EDIT: As of April 8, we’re no longer offering the “built by bethany” pack or the 15 minute video call with the purchase of the complete library. | Posted on 25/Mar/2024 19:10:44

Bethany C. Meyers
Bethany C. Meyers

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