Bethany C. Meyers

Bethany C. Meyers Instagram – SANTA MADRE

On March 5th, 2023, at 9:39 pm, our daughter Kilmer Dove emerged into the world as this song filled the air — a song Nico wrote months prior for this occasion.

This is our birth story, and we’re sharing this video for a few reasons. Firstly, for us. This is our choice, and we stand by it. Our art has always been a direct representation of the ways in which we live our lives – open, raw, and vulnerable. Secondly, we hope that by sharing this video, we can help destigmatize birth, particularly home births, and shed light on the fact that birthing is a timeless, natural, sacred, beautiful, and safe practice that’s been a part of our existence since the beginning.

Everyone should be able to decide how they want to birth. Deep down, you know exactly what is best for you and your baby. Where do you feel safe? What makes you feel supported? How do you want to feel in your birth?

During pregnancy we spent a lot of time journaling and meditating on the birth itself. I wanted to feel safe, I wanted to be close to Nico and I wanted to feel empowered to be the decision maker. Whether we birthed at home or whether we transferred to a hospital due to fatigue or emergency, we laid out ways to feel safe, connected and empowered in all scenarios.

Our birth unfolded exactly as we had envisioned and yet beyond anything we could have imagined. We recognize that not all births follow this path and we remain eternally grateful for our dedicated birth team, whose unconditional support and unwavering care exceeded our wildest expectations.

Birth, without a doubt, is a sacred event, a direct connection to source energy. This is a celebration of life at a time when life itself seems the most fragile.

Once again we ask that you follow @projecthomebirth, an account dedicated to sharing birth stories, destigmatizing home birth and preventing a bill from being passed in New Jersey that would make home births almost impossible.

Viva La Santa Madre.

birth team.
@heatherwhitephoto (videography)

Produced by @abeseiferth | Posted on 04/Nov/2023 00:22:15

Bethany C. Meyers

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