Cristina Zenato

Cristina Zenato Instagram – “Don’t depend on others to illuminate your days. Become your own shine” – Jay Long
I saw this quote this morning and I took it as a personal reminder that we are indeed the maker of our own story. Depending on others to validate us, for our looks, accomplishiments, career, decisions is never going to bring us the happiness we will find within ourselves for following our hearts and being true to ourselves.
The best gift we can give ourselves, is to be who we are without hesitation, not letting fear rule our lives, so we will inspire others to do it too.

Image by @kewinlorenzen at Shark Junction while swimming with some of our regular girls (Caribbean Reef sharks )
@isotta_underwater_housings @waterproofinternational @scubapro @peopleofthewater | Posted on 18/Mar/2024 17:41:40

Cristina Zenato
Cristina Zenato

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