Julia Gillard

Julia Gillard Instagram – Access to quality mental health services and immediate crisis support to prevent suicide is a universal human right. Everyone, across the world, must have ready access to these support systems, regardless of their location, economic or social situation.

To ensure this occurs, we must break down the barriers to help-seeking, like stigma and discrimination, and legal frameworks that make suicide a crime.

That’s why I support LifeLine International’s campaign to Decriminalise Suicide Globally. With more than 700,000 people dying by suicide each year, and with 52 nations where suicide is a crime, or where the laws regarding suicide attempts are unclear, we must focus international efforts on change.

If you want to help, go to www.suicide-decrim.network to find out more.

#DecriminaliseSuicideWorldwide | Posted on 23/Apr/2024 05:30:12

Julia Gillard
Julia Gillard

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