Karen David

Karen David Instagram – In many ways knowing Grace’s trajectory from the moment I joined @feartwd was a gift and a blessing. We all know we only have a certain amount of time in this realm… but it’s the day you choose to live is when you really start living, loving, and finding joy in every little detail. As poignant a journey, Grace’s story was, I’m so grateful she met Morgan and the rest of our #ftwd characters… collectively they taught her to live again, to be kind to herself, to open her heart up to possibility and to love again and be loved. I’d like to think that she finally reached a place of self love and purpose, knowing in her heart that her beloved family, Morgan and Mo would be more than okay, because they had each other. Together, their love as a family is something that transcends any dimension.

Tonight’s episode was directed by the wonderful, @heathercappiello who took the utmost care of Grace and I, & whose attention to every detail in these final moments for Grace, meant the world to me. Thank you, love, for helping me give Grace the send off she deserved. ❤️🙏🏾 Our writers, David Johnson & @blackwritergonerogue for handling Grace’s final episode with such care. 🙏🏾❤️ I hope I did your words justice.

Thank YOU, for welcoming Grace and I into #TheWalkingDead universe with open arms. It has been such an honour to tell this incredibly brave woman’s story. (Thank you, @goldbergian @andrewchambliss and @scottmgimple and our incredible writers #WGAstrong 🙏🏾❤️)

I’ve learned so much from Grace’s story – she has taught me so much… Courage is strength. Self love is bravery. Love is powerful. Love is miraculous. I’m forever humbled by her unknowing, immense strength and her capacity to turn things around. In the end Grace chose not to be defined by the mistakes she made in her past, but by how she was able to pick herself up from utter darkness and step into the light one day at a time, learning to forgive herself, allowing herself to grow and become a better human.

To my beloved Grace, you LIVED. You did the best you could, and that’s what matters most. Rest now in the heavens above, and give baby Athena a big cuddle for me. “Candy beansies”, forever… Xoxo | Posted on 12/Jun/2023 07:30:00

Karen David

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