Kate Silverton

Kate Silverton Instagram – I believe there are ten pillars to parenting that will support our children’s mental health and a healthy relationship with us. Having a strong sense of connection is vital. It helps our children to feel safe even when we are not by their side. I can appreciate that we may feel safer when our children have a flip / dumb phone ( not smartphone !) when they are at senior school .. but it’s the personal connection with us that really counts. We want our children to feel able they can share their deepest worries and fears with us when they get home, trusting we will listen with our undivided attention, not trying to ‘fix’ things but simply offering a compassionate response, holding any painful feelings and letting our children know we are there for them unconditionally.

I share scripts, tips and tools for how to have these all important ‘conversations that count’ in my book ‘there’s still no such thing as naughty’, as well as all the ways to ensure you have the strongest parenting ‘pillars’ in place ..

Putting your ten C’s in place will help to ensure you have a robust relationship and help your child to build resilience

We all need to feel seen, heard and understood… ensuring your child has access to you when they need you is an essential start x

#parenting #phones #mentalhealth #parentingtips #parentingteenagers #theresstillnosuchthingasnaughty | Posted on 26/Apr/2024 15:00:43

Kate Silverton
Kate Silverton

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