Kate Silverton

Kate Silverton Instagram – All animals have a library of responses they turn to when feeling threatened or afraid. Typically we may experience fight / flight / but there’s also freeze / flop and faint too …

When we have too much on our plate our whole system can feel under threat and we may experience that sense of flop, or ‘collapse’, it’s a sign that our nervous system needs is signalling that we need to ‘lie low’ for a bit, in order to feel safe.

Listening to our nervous system means we can take action – to rest – which for busy parents I know can feel nigh on impossible – but having a few early nights, sitting and reading with the kids rather than worrying about the ‘to do list’ .. can help to soothe your nervous system and recharge … trusting that everything will get done in time

Once we are rested we can move through that sense of ‘flop’ by taking small steps of action. We can start by considering the small jobs we can get done in a minute.

Maybe it’s wiping down some dusty shelves as I’ve just done, making the bed, or ticking off just one thing on the ‘to do ‘ list … these small steps of action can help us to feel more empowered and able to move through that ‘overwhelmed’ state ..

When did you last listen to your nervous system and hear that message to REST – to ‘lie low’ for a bit?

TAG anyone who needs to see this and let me know what steps you take / will take to gift yourself some rest this week ♥️🙏🏼

#nervoussystem | Posted on 06/May/2024 18:18:19

Kate Silverton
Kate Silverton

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