Sarah Carter

Sarah Carter Instagram – Blown away by @odxssarae!

It’s one thing to watch your friend risk their life for their work from afar, to be rewarded for their courage and artistry at the highest level, and to continue on their mission in spite of lost friends and serious dangers…

It’s one thing to be proud of my fellow Canadian from my home in Los Angeles having started our careers at the same time and place… GO GO GO YES!… SHE’S DOING IT!!?!!

But to see it up close and personal… to see she hasn’t changed a bit… that she’s still the same gorgeous-angel-brilliant-spitfire-sorceress she was at 20… to witness her ask for the funds she needs from the lovely man across the table who’s heart was as vast as his resources… to see her light him up with purpose and hope to keep her crew in Gaza safe… to see her text chain with her subject on the frontlines… and hear her stories about being followed by officials everywhere she goes… to see her smiling and talking about her love life in the same breath… is to be massively humbled and inspired.

Odessa, sitting next to you for an hour at Cannes was life affirming in all the ways.

To all (women especially) DO NOT LET FEAR STOP YOU from following your instincts straight into the heart of humanity.

May we all allow ourselves to fall over the edge of our comfort zones and trust ourselves to land on our feet face to face with a new frontier alongside equally brave and bright spirits. May we all do everything humanly possible to live a purposeful life, to amplify the voices and stories of those who most deserve to be heard… from right where we are… just as we are… we can bring light to darkness… and never doubt our capacity to change the world.


Happy Birthday love. The world is a far better place with you in it. 💓

@festivaldecannes 2024 | Posted on 24/May/2024 01:54:46

Sarah Carter
Sarah Carter

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