Barbara Niven

Barbara Niven Instagram – September 11, 2001. I’m sure each of us remembers exactly where we were and what we were doing as we watched those unthinkable events play across our TV screens. No matter how many years pass, the visions still haunt us. Today, we honor the victims of 9/11 and their families and pay tribute to all who have fought to right those wrongs and keep us safe.

We will never forget the tragedy. But let us also never forget how our nation came together to help each other heal with Faith, Hope and Love. We became a country united, in a way I had not seen in my lifetime. My wish today for all of us is to honor that concept by taking time to reach out and commit a random act of kindness to someone. It doesn’t have to be big, just something from your heart to theirs. Talk to your neighbor. Make a phone call to someone who needs to hear your voice. Choose to say something kind.

God bless you and your family today, from me and mine.
God bless you, America.
We will never forget. 🇺🇸

Barbara xo

#NeverForget #September11 #GodBlessAmerica | Posted on 11/Sep/2023 23:27:44

Barbara Niven
Barbara Niven

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