Bethany C. Meyers

Bethany C. Meyers Instagram – 21 weeks! Over the halfway mark and things are feeling REAL. Not just the typical symptoms of the last half of pregnancy, but the very real feeling that our family of three is going to be a family of four. Gotta be honest, I’m a little nervous about the change, I’ve heard the jump from one to two is the hardest. Without scaring the crap out of me, what are things you noticed, wished you had prepared for or suggestions for making this leap? 🙏

And then, please enjoy the rest of this random roundup of quotes I like and pics I love.

Side note the “talks a lot” one cracks me up bc there was not a report, paper or class I took where I didn’t get that feedback and gotta say, worked out well for me! | Posted on 05/Jun/2024 04:34:20

Bethany C. Meyers
Bethany C. Meyers

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