Bethany C. Meyers

Bethany C. Meyers Instagram – I’m in New York City for the weekend. It’s my first time away from my baby, my first time alone for an extended period of time in over a year and my first time really getting to sit with the baby in my belly and my changing body. This weekend is so dramatically different from my typical day to day that I needed to ground myself, and there’s no better way for me to do so than through movement.

So I popped on a favorite @thebecomeproject routine (this one is “all around me”) and began to move in this new body of mine. When suddenly the words to song i’ve known for years hit me in a whole new way – “in love with the shape of you, in love with your body”. And I realized, I was.

I don’t remember having this appreciation last pregnancy. I wanted to, but anyone who has carried a baby full term knows just how jarring it is to watch your body change so drastically week over week. No matter how “good” someone says you look, it’s often a very out of body experience. But this round feels so much more in-body.

Maybe it’s because I have less time to think about it. Maybe it’s because this pregnancy feels dramatic easier than my last. Maybe it’s because I’ve done it once before and know what to expect. And maybe it’s because I’m just learning to lean in – to the softness, to the fullness, to the gentle sweetness of the mommy body.

I’m writing this out today in hopes I carry this feeling with me throughout the rest of my pregnancy, into the fourth trimester and beyond.

Link in bio to shop this routine and all my routines if you’re seeking neutral movement you can access on demand 🩵 | Posted on 01/Jun/2024 21:29:56

Bethany C. Meyers
Bethany C. Meyers

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