Brittany Curran

Brittany Curran Instagram – It is just after midnight
on June 2nd
Which means it is my birthday

Today was filled with lots of joy,
lots of melancholy,
more joy,
more melancholy,
a last minute dose of joy,
and a whole lot of love.

There is an unending annual unexpected sadness of soul when the dependable march of time reminds you of your place in it.

But there is also your place *in* it all. And the reminder of it. Your place. YOUR place.

Your place might sometimes be dogshit. But this place is still yours. (And it is still connected to a dog, even in metaphor, it is still a dog – the best – obviously)

This is the first birthday card I received this year.

And what a lucky reception.

It is from my in-laws. Who take the ill-fated trope of lazy writing and lazy familiality and flip that bitch right on its head. My in-laws are an absolute delight brought into my life via the delight who is the love of my life.

So as I sit out here at my garden table at Venus Hour on Sun Day of my 34th year of life

I sip my chamomile, I sip my wine, I pat my dogs, I harbinge my scurriful baby rat in my flannel, I let go of all that is not

And I listen to the mockingbirds and the crickets and the buzz of the nearest electrical wires and I say this is more than enough | Posted on 02/Jun/2024 13:45:34

Brittany Curran
Brittany Curran

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