Camille Guaty

Camille Guaty Instagram – People often ask me, how did I make the leap to choose egg donation as my path to parenthood. Full disclosure: it was incredibly hard for me. Not only was I extremely attached to my genetics, but I felt like my identity as a women and mother were being threatened. I felt like the baby would feel more like my husbands, than mine. I felt jealousy towards the egg donor. And the list goes on. I was sad, angry, and truthfully, I wanted no part of it.

Now, sitting here today with my beautiful, healthy 3-year-old boy, I could never imagine life without him. Although my fears were valid, none of them came to fruition. My son is my son and he may not have my genetics but I am his mother without a shadow of a doubt. We openly talk about our story. He loves asking questions about “the egg lady” and how he grew in mommy’s belly. I’m so grateful that I chose egg donation to build my family and I’m grateful for @DonorEggBankUSA and all that they do, especially during #NIAW2023. They are making happy families every day. I would do it again in a heartbeat! #ad

#NIAW #voicesofinfertility #FindYourVoice #SpeakUpSpeakOut

#infertilityhope #iwantababy #ivf #infertility #donoreggivfcycle #infertilitywarriors #frozeneggs #infertilitysucks #lovemakesafamily #donoreggmom #donorconception #embryotransfer #fertility #fertilitytreatment #donoreggivf #donoreggsivf #infertilityjourney #eggdonorivf #ivfwarriors #ivfsupport #infertilityawareness #donoreggmama #donoreggs | Posted on 23/Apr/2023 18:33:20

Camille Guaty

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