Caroline Hobby

Caroline Hobby Instagram – Today on @getrealcarolinehobby: Jessica Zweig!

@jessicazweig is a successful, serial entrepreneur 3 times over, a top podcast host of “The Spiritual Hustler,” a #1 best selling author, plus a sought after spiritual leader and speaker around the globe. She’s been Named “A Voice of our Times” by the legendary Marianne Williamson, and a personal branding expert by Forbes. Jessica came to earth to make an impact, and she means business!

The world is in a conscious crisis right now between light and darkness, and Jessica is here to WAKE UP the Lightworkers! The conversation we get into on this episode is out of this world, literally. Jessica shares the importance of owning and understanding your own power, unlocking your purpose, and the divine feminine.

Jessica has been around the world in her quest to unlock her own soul. She has had sessions and healing ceremonies with the worlds most powerful healers, travelled to Egypt and heard messages from The Pleiadians, a group of advanced beings, and she is here to share all that she has learned in her new book THE LIGHT WORK. Jessica is so real, raw and candid about the truth of what life really means. Jessica has a voice and message that must be heard to wake this world up. Tune in now and type ‘get real’ wherever you listen to podcasts!

Pre-order Bonus Link: | Posted on 03/Jun/2024 18:28:27

Caroline Hobby
Caroline Hobby

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