Caroline Hobby

Caroline Hobby Instagram – Honestly. If you want to know my truth of all truths, why I am CONSTANTLY searching, learning, finding ways to heal and grow, it’s bc I want to live THIS FREE w THIS MUCH JOY. As humans, we just pile on so much life debris that isn’t meant for us to carry around… due to us as people blundering around making a mess of our lives bc there is no instruction book. Nobody comes into Earth knowing how to do this life thing. But our blunders & mistakes become our masterpiece if we keep growing, learning, applying wisdom & elevating. It’s hard work bc we have to blunder around & find out what feels good & bad, right & wrong, until we realize what is good for our particular soul, and what is not. EVERYONE’s life concoction is different based on your specific upbringing, trauma, influences, & unique personality & vision. So it takes decades to even process what has happened to you, how it has affected you, how to take ownership & heal so you are not controlled by your trauma, and then intentionally choose a life that brings you AS MUCH JOY AS POSSIBLE. It is hard work to get to a place of true, unencumbered, not distracted JOY.

I think the greatest gift we can give our kids is giving them a regulated nervous system. Here are ways I try to do that w Sunny.
*Regulate myself when I am triggered. Calm myself down before reacting to her big feeling. Then meet her w calmness, love and curiosity about why she’s having such a big feeling. This to me is 95% of how you stay connected and in a safe, respected and open relationship where kids are free to have their big feelings and reactions (just like adults do!) without being shamed or immediately trying to repress what they are feeling. Repressing feelings just stores them & locks them up in your body to create anxiety that can come out mentally & physically, in my opinion.
-Focus on my daughter fully with no distractions for as many hours as I can durning the day. If given the choice to zone out or distract myself, or fully give my attention to Sunny, I choose Sunny and actively stay engaged with her & what she is curious about, let her lead what we talk about and do. Hard to do, we all fail, but worth it. | Posted on 03/Jun/2024 02:05:21

Caroline Hobby
Caroline Hobby

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