Christine Elise

Christine Elise Instagram – From Liz CHENEY. Dick Cheney’s daughter. Deeply reflect on this. The Cheney’s are hardcore Republicans. As are the former cabinet members and staffers who refuse to endorse Trump. Career REPUBLICAN politicians who saw who he is and how dangerous he is from a front seat and said – NOT AGAIN.
Swipe to see a partial list.

Fucking STOP with the false equivalency between Trump and Biden. Trump is a traitor, a felon, a rapist, a liar and a fkn petty simp. He thinks soldiers are suckers and losers.
Biden is old? He is only 3 years older than Trump…and doesn’t ramble on about hotdogs being good, sharks and electric boats or dance to YMCA like his is giving two guys handjobs.
If you like Trump because he makes you feel OK about your bigotry, anger and ignorance-based fears – fine. But don’t pretend it is because Biden is just as bad. Biden is a career public servant. His son served in Iraq.
Trump’s son-in-law got $2 billion from the Saudis.
Trump is petulant crybaby and eternal victim who has already declared he will be a dictator.
AND – his wildly corrupt Supreme Court overturned Roe V Wade and just overturned the Trump ban on bump stocks.
Grow up. | Posted on 15/Jun/2024 01:18:50

Christine Elise
Christine Elise

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