Christine Elise

Christine Elise Instagram – You seriously want this guy with nuclear codes? You think other countries don’t think he is a total moron?
Repost from @bastian_unfiltered

– Cognitive Decline? Trump Short-Circuits During Bonkers Rant

The former president glitched during a tirade about sharks and batteries.

Donald Trump appeared fully unable to articulate a story about electric batteries on Sunday, instead opting to spin a thread in which zero of the underlying premises were actually true.
During his Las Vegas rally, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee told a story that flew a bit off the rails. The tale began by allegedly asking a South Carolinian boat manufacturer, who made boats that were too heavy and “can’t go fast,” a self-described “very smart” question about the efficacy of electric batteries in water-faring vessels—but then quickly devolved into nonsense about Trump’s fear of sharks. | Posted on 13/Jun/2024 23:11:24

Christine Elise
Christine Elise

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