Cleo Massey

Cleo Massey Instagram – My birth story is now up on the Pass Around the Smile podcast ~ the hardest, yet most magical night of my life. šŸŒ™ What women go through is so life changing and I hope my (imperfect) telling of my story can help and inspire you, not just within the realms of pregnancy, birth and post partum – but with life in general. The power of surrendering, letting go and trusting the process were 3 elements that helped me through this process and continue to help me live a life in flow. šŸ’­āœØ

To @lukedempceh, my biggest support. Your gentle, calm and loving nature got me through some of the hardest weeks of my life during pregnancy. You were so patient and understanding while I slowly returned to myself. šŸ§” During birth you supported me in the most perfect way. You respected what I wanted and shared my feelings during both the pain, and the excitement. Now youā€™re the best Dad to our little Indigo (and Crumpet), and during the absolute roller coaster that is the 4th trimester, youā€™re the best Husband to me.

I had my close friend Laura as my doula. Youā€™ll see her calm and loving soul in the video! I cannot recommend having a doula that you trust completely alongside you in your pregnancy, birth and post partum enough. Laura helped me stay connected to my breath, advocated for what I wanted and was the supportive, feminine energy I needed during birth. Laura gave Luke and I lots of space, yet was there when either of us needed her.

I worked with @nicola_laye over two amazing sessions, not only on breath work, which is her speciality, but also in releasing fears. This part was hugely helpful for me. Nicolaā€™s passion for what she does and non-judgemental energy makes for the perfect safe space for women to share, grow and learn.

Luke and I were lucky enough to do Shariā€™s @belly2birth course, Journey to Birth. I didnā€™t realise how important it was to learn about the physiological side of birth. Shariā€™s course did this in such a digestible way! However my favourite parts were her meditations and connective exercises for Luke and I. Canā€™t recommend her course enough.

The podcast ep is available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts now. šŸŒžšŸŒ› | Posted on 20/May/2024 13:12:37

Cleo Massey
Cleo Massey

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