Cristina Zenato

Cristina Zenato Instagram – Day 7 Question 7
The physical consequences of 30 years spent underwater and in the elements.
My hair is bleached blond from sunlight and salt, but it’s not a big issue besides being a tad dry.
I have a Pterygium, known as a surfer’s eye, in my left eye, combined with a constant redness in both eyes caused by sun exposure.
I am missing a tooth that was not closed correctly and cracked upon ascent due to the trapped air; I never replaced it because, at the time, it meant spending more than six months out of the water.
Ear tinnitus might be the worst consequence. It is sometimes loud and even prevents me from sleeping.
I have a lot of extra wrinkles due to sun exposure, but I don’t care; they are more the story of my life.
My hands, according to doctors, present signs of arthritis; I only see powerful hands with somewhat large knuckles; I have mild carpal tunnel from carrying tanks
I have been bent twice, early in my career, for diving too much, for too many consecutive days, and most likely not drinking enough water. Those hits have no significant consequences, but they make me attentive to my diving (No PFO)
There are also general consequences that are part of physical work, from tightness in the shoulder muscles to sometimes dropping something heavy on a toe or trapping a nail somewhere and watching it as it goes from red to purple to even falling, the tiredness brought by a day of diving, and carrying gear, together with the mental strain related to the planning and execution of these dives.
Being an active diver and sportsperson has allowed me to be strong, to have muscles that keep my bones healthy and flexible, and to recover quickly from a hard day or days.
One of the best results of this life is not having to deal with hammer toe, a major hereditary issue in the women in my family, by mainly living barefoot, balancing on boats, and walking over uneven terrain without constricting shoes.
My healing is through my yoga practice. It prevents tingling in my hands from carpal tunnel, repositions what I push out of place when hiking and carrying loads, and soothes the body while keeping it strong and I love all of it. 💕 | Posted on 31/May/2024 16:44:52

Cristina Zenato
Cristina Zenato

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