Cristina Zenato

Cristina Zenato Instagram – Day 6 Question 6
My drive to conservation:
“Water flows through every aspect of our lives; following that flow makes us realize that everything is so vitally interconnected” – CZ Everything, and everyone on this tiny blue planet is affected by our actions and decisions.
Conservation is not a box I access every morning with a post; it is not a concept.
It’s a way of life. It’s a conscious decision to mitigate my carbon footprint, to make considerate choices for the environment and the animals we share it with.
It goes from the smallest to the biggest. It is fueled by the belief that one small action is better than no big action. Although I cannot save the planet, I can try to save what is around me and touches my life, and I touch it with my presence.
The hope is to create a ripple effect of people watching one action and following suit, trying to add something to their lives and decisions.
Ultimately, conservation comes from love. A lot of what I love is widely misunderstood and misinterpreted: caves, sharks, even my dogs, pit bulls. When we love someone, we want the best for them and do our best to provide safety.
That is what conservation is for me; it’s the manifestation of my love.
Videos by @kewinlorenzen and me | Posted on 30/May/2024 17:49:04

Cristina Zenato
Cristina Zenato

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