Cristina Zenato

Cristina Zenato Instagram – Day 5 Question 5
Today I am answering questions that I have received about my personal preferences about sharks.
Which shark is my favourite and why ?
Which shark would I love to meet and why?
How many different sharks have I met already?
Which one do I remember sticking out or meaning the most to me?

My favorite shark is and will always be the Caribbean Reef shark, the sharks I have worked and shared so much time with for the last 30 years. They hold a special place in my heart for the way they are, the connection we were able to create, the symbol they have become for many other sharks in the world.
Currently there are three sharks I would love to see swimming by, one is easy, the other one a little more complicated, the third one would be a dream come true. In that order they are the Thresher with their elongated tail- mostly would love to see them hunt using it, the Greenland shark, a very difficult shark to observe because of where they live and the methods that would be used to meet them (something I cannot bring myself to do) and the third one would be discovering the shark species living in Antarctica, but that also requires for me to dive there, so for now that’s very much a dream.
As for sharks I have met, about twenty-five different species in different parts of the world, but I prefer to meet the same sharks or at least same species over and over and in different environments, to learn more about them as individuals and as a group in terms of behavior, mindset and attitude towards our presence.
The last question is easy: it will always be the first and every time one of my girls (Caribbean Reef shark) comes into my lap and allows me to pet her, in a way saying “I trust you and I trust this moment, when I make myself very vulnerable.”
There is no better feeling than her gentle weight on my legs, the moving of the jaw as she ventilates and the peaceful moment we share.

Image of that special moment with Crook by @kewinlorenzen with @isotta_underwater_housings @neptunic_com @waterproofinternational @diveshearwater @peopleofthewater | Posted on 16/May/2024 19:27:33

Cristina Zenato
Cristina Zenato

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