Cristina Zenato

Cristina Zenato Instagram – I can do this
But I can also do this.
And don’t tell anyone that you can’t do something, especially not yourself.
We are not one dimensional. While growing in the industry, my wardrobe moved from sun dresses, something very typical for a life in the tropics to board shorts and t-shirts, something I was wearing for work, but that I drifted into my day to day life.
The outside pressure was to look the part no matter what; it took some time and some self-realization, that one does not preclude the other.
We can be strong, outdoor, task oriented women and we can also be feminine, if that’s what we like to do, and it should not preclude the consideration towards our results.
I speak every day with women who sometimes feel stuck or defined by their roles; we are much more than a title, we can be whatever we want to be and the only person to decide that is us!
Images by @kewinlorenzen @wdhof @peopleofthewater
@waterproofinternational | Posted on 07/Jun/2024 17:13:57

Cristina Zenato
Cristina Zenato

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