Feminista Jones

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Before we get too deep into analyzing why two white men want to fail women who have abortions, let’s just stop at the easiest answer:

Pregnancy during college is a major cause of cis women leaving college, but not cis men (I note this bc they aren’t thinking abt trans/NB folks getting pregnant). Women bear the biggest responsibility which usually means that they drop out or delay finishing. This is what they want. Women outnumber men as college grads way past the 10M mark. They want women out of college and at home having babies. College-educated women have fewer babies and delay pregnancy longer. But they want WHITE babies, do you hear me?? They need you white women to have more babies and they will deploy ANY tactic to make it so!! Yes, this is Texas, but states are moving to deny pregnant women divorces, to restrict access to contraception, and to criminalize anyone who participates in any part of the process of obtaining abortions.

This is absolute madness but what I need you to do is read the Unwind series by Neal Shusterman. See how he shows how the media and legislators slowly but surely move us to the most ridiculous existence all bc of abortion. He wrote it before Roe was struck down and I’m sure he dabbled in the absurd never thinking he’d be right. I just can’t believe we are turning into a dystopian novel. | Posted on 04/Jun/2024 06:24:04

Feminista Jones
Feminista Jones

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