Gayatri Bhargavi

Gayatri Bhargavi Instagram – On the day of Poornami the Full Moon day..
In the banks of River Ganga. Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India.

I believe that Rituals make us happy & contended from within. I’m sure they are made with some thoughtful, progressive ideas for our mental health & well-being.

It definitely helped me with the baggage I carried with loss in the family. A must mention is the added joy of travel & learning to my Children.

What is your stake on traditional Rituals??
Do they give Menial peace and brings calmness within!?
Do write up to me in your comments below. 🙏

Thankful Greatful & Blessed!
#thankfulthursday #blessed #river #ganga #rituals #familytime #love #familygoals | Posted on 23/May/2024 17:46:33

Gayatri Bhargavi
Gayatri Bhargavi

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