Home Actress Karena Lam Kar-Yan HD Photos and Wallpapers June 2024 Karena Lam Kar-Yan Instagram - 即興去公園拍攝 ~ 2 #OOTD @loewe @bulgari #photographer @shotbykarl #makeup @wi11wongofficial #hair @kristywailing

Karena Lam Kar-Yan Instagram – 即興去公園拍攝 ~ 2 #OOTD @loewe @bulgari #photographer @shotbykarl #makeup @wi11wongofficial #hair @kristywailing

Karena Lam Kar-Yan Instagram - 即興去公園拍攝 ~ 2 #OOTD @loewe @bulgari #photographer @shotbykarl #makeup @wi11wongofficial #hair @kristywailing

Karena Lam Kar-Yan Instagram – 即興去公園拍攝 ~ 2

#OOTD @loewe @bulgari
#photographer @shotbykarl
#makeup @wi11wongofficial
#hair @kristywailing | Posted on 24/Apr/2024 15:04:36

Karena Lam Kar-Yan Instagram – Posted @theculturist.hk
 【法國五月專題 French May】藝術狂熱份子 林嘉欣 引入法式精緻
(請前往文化者youtube頻道,獲得更好觀片體驗👉🏻 https://youtu.be/VQNbe58xmBs )
「我肩膊的責任越來越大,每年『法國五月』之旅,既密集又難忘,好希望盡量把法國文化帶來香港。見證藝術節涵蓋的節目種類和形式越來越多元化,希望大家去體驗感受更多。」—— 第11年「法國五月文化大使」林嘉欣
屈指可數,林嘉欣(Karena Lam)今年已是第11年擔任「法國五月」(French May)文化大使,持續而有温度地促進中法文化交流。數年前法國政府更頒授「Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres」勳章褒揚她的卓越貢獻,延續她對文化的熱情,今年再肩負第48屆國際電影節大使的崗位,宣揚第八藝術。
除了世紀疫情的三年隔離, #文化者 每年都以媒體夥伴身份,與嘉欣聯袂深入法國,提前探路,難忘回憶足以寫一本文化遊記。除了每次採訪都做足功課,本身酷愛藝術、好奇心爆棚的嘉欣在法國更都會趁空檔鑽進各大藝術館看展、看show,她真是個藝術狂熱份子。
2024 是特別的一年,除了是中法建交60周年,也是兩國的「中法文化旅遊年」,適逢七月底法國奧運開幕,法國氣氛特別濃烈。經歷31年的發展與演進,法國五月所涵蓋的藝術種類已越來越闊,從傳統到當代藝術、從畫作到設計、從古典音樂到當代舞,從電影到木偶、高空踩鋼索、霹靂舞到特技表演一應俱全。每年吸引逾20萬人參與的法國五月今年更提早開展,三月至六月將舉辦近100場文化活動,開幕節目及重點展覽,必然是M 與法國國家圖書館(Bibliotheque Nationale de France,簡稱BnF)合作的 「黑白──攝影敘事」(Noir & Blanc—A Story of Photography)攝影展。
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: Noir & Blanc—A Story of Photography
地點:M 地下大堂展廳
門票:140港元 (特惠門票及票套價由70港元至210港元)
撰文、攝影:鄭天儀 @tinnycheng 
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#法式精緻 #法國五月 #FrenchMay #林嘉欣 #BibliothequeNationaledeFrance #BnF #黑白攝影敘事 #攝影展 #美術館 #文化大使 #專訪 @frenchmayartsfest  @karenalamkayan  @mplusmuseum

#TeamKarena @coeicoeicoei @kong.yan.shuen @kristywailing 
#wardrobe @dior
Karena Lam Kar-Yan Instagram – Karena Lam’s Noir & Blanc ‘This or That’ ⚫⚪

Karena Lam, Festival Ambassador of French May, was recently invited to get the first view of M ’s latest Special Exhibition, ‘The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: Noir & Blanc—A Story of Photography’, where she spoke about her passion for photography.

👀📸 Ticket holders may register to join Karena Lam in an exclusive tour as part of the Jockey Club Community Outreach and Arts Education Programmes: Gallery Walkthrough with Karena Lam at ‘Noir & Blanc’ on 17 May. Take a stroll with Karena Lam in Main Hall Gallery to learn about how black and white photography brings different perspectives to our lens of looking at everyday life. The gallery walkthrough event is co-organised by M  and French May Arts Festival and exclusively sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.

Secure your spot now via link in bio 🔗

‘The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: Noir & Blanc—A Story of Photography’ is co-presented by M  and the French May Arts Festival, in collaboration with the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), and exclusively sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. The exhibition is also the opening programme of the French May Arts Festival 2024. Cathay is Travel Partner and Manifesto Expo is the Exhibition Coordinator of the exhibition.

🌟 Become an M  Member to enjoy 3 free admission vouchers to selected Special Exhibitions.


這次特地請來法國五月大使林嘉欣率先觀賞M 特別展覽「香港賽馬會呈獻系列:黑白──攝影敘事」之餘,她亦跟我們分享自己對攝影的熱愛。


活動由M 和法國五月藝術節合辦,亦是由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金獨家贊助的「賽馬會社區拓展藝術教育計劃」活動之一 。


「香港賽馬會呈獻系列:黑白──攝影敘事」展覽由M 與法國五月藝術節合辦,並與法國國家圖書館共同策劃。獨家贊助為香港賽馬會慈善信託基金,旅遊夥伴為國泰,展覽協調為Manifesto Expo。展覽亦是2024年法國五月藝術節之開幕節目。🌟 成為M 會員專享免費特別展覽禮券三張。  


Check out the latest gallery of Karena Lam Kar-Yan