Home Actress Karena Lam Kar-Yan HD Photos and Wallpapers June 2024 Karena Lam Kar-Yan Instagram - #larergram 即興去公園影相 #📷 @shotbykarl

Karena Lam Kar-Yan Instagram – #larergram 即興去公園影相 #📷 @shotbykarl

Karena Lam Kar-Yan Instagram - #larergram 即興去公園影相 #📷 @shotbykarl

Karena Lam Kar-Yan Instagram – #larergram
#📷 @shotbykarl | Posted on 16/Apr/2024 19:00:32

Karena Lam Kar-Yan Instagram – Fireworks or explosions? Abstract or realistic? Landscape or portrait? French May Arts Festival Ambassador Karena Lam shares her aesthetic preferences in photography.

🤔 What type of photography do you prefer?

🎟️ Get tickets now to explore the enduring aesthetics of black-and-white photography in the Special Exhibition ‘The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: Noir & Blanc—A Story of Photography’. 🗣️ A guided tour with Karena Lam on 17 May is open for registration through the M  website.

‘The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: Noir & Blanc—A Story of Photography’ is co-presented by M  and the French May Arts Festival, in collaboration with the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), and exclusively sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. The exhibition is also the opening programme of the French May Arts Festival 2024. Cathay is the Travel Partner and Manifesto Expo is the Exhibition Coordinator of the exhibition.


🤔 你又偏愛哪種攝影呢?

🎟️️ 特別展覽「香港賽馬會呈獻系列:黑白——攝影敘事」審視黑白攝影這個歷久彌新的藝術媒介,立即購票探索箇中的永恆美學。🗣️ 林嘉欣將在5月17日帶領大家漫步展覽,觀眾現可透過M 網站免費登記參加。

「香港賽馬會呈獻系列:黑白——攝影敘事」展覽由M 與法國五月藝術節合辦,並與法國國家圖書館共同策劃。獨家贊助為香港賽馬會慈善信託基金,旅遊夥伴為國泰,展覽協調為Manifesto Expo。展覽亦是2024年法國五月藝術節之開幕節目。


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#MPlus博物館 #MPlusMuseum #MPlus #MPlusNoiretBlanc #MPlus黑白 #黑白攝影敘事 #NoiretBlancAStoryofPhotography #HKJCCharitiesTrust #香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 #HKJCSeries #香港賽馬會呈獻系列 #HKJCCommunity #Cathay #MoveBeyond #CathayxWKCDA #國泰 #志在飛躍 #FrenchMay #FrenchMayArtsFestival #法國五月 #法國五月藝術節 #林嘉欣 #KarenaLam
Karena Lam Kar-Yan Instagram – #larergram 
#📷 @shotbykarl

Check out the latest gallery of Karena Lam Kar-Yan