Kate Silverton

Kate Silverton Instagram – Utterly thrilled to announce that ‘there’s still no such thing as naughty’ has become an instant @sundaytimes #bestseller

T H A N K Y O U 🥳🥳🙏🏼🥰

Thank you for your faith in the book, and for the feedback you have been sharing; it brings me so much joy to hear how the #parentingtips & #parentinghacks I have shared – both as a mum and as a therapist, are working for you at home and in schools too

To see the book at the top of @amazon chart and now the Sunday Times is immense. It was a mammoth undertaking to get the research done and the book over the line given I was also completing my training to qualify as a children’s counsellor, volunteering my time to work with children in primary and secondary schools, as well as supporting my own children too. It meant the writing process was often slow and steady as she goes .. and not without a fair bit of digging deep and holding the faith that book would finally be finished ! ( and that was just the publishing team @lagombooks ! )

So thank you to everyone again @michellesignore @bevjamesmanagement @bonnierbooks_uk and to you here for your thoughts, questions and support too.

Thanks to @fearnecotton and her team @happyplaceofficial @anouszkatate for such an incredible launch, alongside @chrisevanstfi @vassos.alexander @virginradiouk @benshephardofficial @catdeeley @thismorning for their invaluable support on launch day too ♥️

The feedback from you suggests the ripple effect has already begun. It supports the notion that ‘there is no such thing as naughty’, that there IS another way to parent, one that is ultimately easier, more playful, more compassionate and, crucially, that serves our children’s good future mental health. Already teachers are asking if we can work together to produce resources that will help to implement changes to policy based on the science I share in the book…I’d love to hear your thoughts on what’s needed, and how we can effect change. Together we can find a way to positively serve our children and ourselves.

All the best and see you for more tips in my reels tomorrow – I’m off for a cup of tea and to take Wilbur to karate ! #mumlife #authorsofinstagram #parenting #mentalhealth | Posted on 08/Apr/2024 21:11:00

Kate Silverton
Kate Silverton

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