Kate Silverton

Kate Silverton Instagram – Once I discovered that my children’s brains developed in ‘sequence’ it explained so much about my children’s behaviour.

When I understood that the parts of our brain that regulate big emotions are not fully developed until we are in our twenties, a lightbulb went off – I could suddenly understand why my toddler was ‘tantruming’ and later, why my pre-teen seemed intent on pushing me away …

When we understand our children from the perspective of their having a less developed, more immature brain – a brain that is still LEARNING how to regulate big emotions like anger, fear and excitement, so much of their big, irrational, and erratic behaviour, makes sense.

It’s our JOB as parents, to help our children’s brains to develop healthily and this means we must teach our children ( and their brains ), by modelling the regulated behaviour we want to see – not the dysregulated behaviour that we don’t

When we gift our children our calm – even when their world seems in chaos – we give them a gift for life.

The psychologist Dr Allan Schore says enhancing self-regulation should be considered the whole of child development. Why?

Because he says ‘just about every psychiatric disorder shows problems in emotional dysregulation’

If you want to ensure your child’s good future mental health – you need to ditch the concept of ‘naughty’ and learn the neurobiology that explains their behaviour instead .

In my latest book ‘there’s still no such thing as naughty’ I show you how to support your child and teach them how to regulate big emotions – even, and especially, anger. In doing so you will support your children’s future happiness, and healthy mental health – as well as your own

#parenting #parentinghacks #parentingtips #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness | Posted on 15/Mar/2024 19:45:00

Kate Silverton
Kate Silverton

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