Kate Silverton

Kate Silverton Instagram – #anxiety / #stress call it what you will … when we are facing a challenge, like giving a speech, taking a driving test, breaking up with someone, or even going on a date ! The feelings that arise within us are NORMAL – the pounding heart, shortness of breath, sweaty palms we experience are all signs that we are in fight / flight … our body is urging us to act!

understanding the science of our behaviour helps us to work with our instincts and harness the energy that gets created when cortisol and adrenaline are coursing through our bodies … it might seem odd but dancing, drumming, singing, walking, running, bouncing up and down, shaking it out are ALL evidence based ways to release stress naturally …

If your children are feeling anxious before school, if they have a spelling test, or have fallen out with a friend, they might resist leaving you in the morning – they can go into fight/flight … in my books I explain how to help our children when they feel this way, and I share exercises that are quick and easy to do, that can help children to release any worries and wobbles naturally

I also explain how to help our children to use their words to tell us what’s going on for them on the inside … it’s then that we can help to build resilience and empower our children to tackle challenge and overcome

As always, you must work using your intuition and within the ‘window of emotional tolerance’ for you and your child – working in an age appropriate way and considering what might work for you and your child as individuals. if you have concerns about you or your child’s mental health do always seek professional help and share any concerns you might have

#stress #anxiety #parenting #parentingtips #mentalhealth | Posted on 08/Mar/2024 12:35:00

Kate Silverton
Kate Silverton

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